Saturday, May 16, 2020

Analysis Of The Book The Evolution Of Grant - 1266 Words

Johnny Croley English 1102 Dr. Harrison 7 April 2015 The Evolution of Grant As illustrated in A Lesson Before Dying, African Americans in the South went on with their lives normally, indicating that racial relations were not negatively impacted by the oppression and treatment of Black Americans. The narrations in the novel are in the context of Cajun Community as seen through the eyes of the author in the late 1940s. The main characters in the novel are Grant and Jefferson. Author Jefferson is not involved in the shoot-out, he is tried by a court and sentenced. Grant went to study in the university, and he has returned to the community, ready to teach in a local school. He is not decided whether he should live in the small community†¦show more content†¦His teacher, Matthew Antoine, was instrumental in imparting his students with the attitude that would impact them both in the long-term and short-term. Grant, being one of his students, is also exemplified by the attitude. From an analytical perspective, the students were quite inexperienced, and t hey could believe everything that Matthew told them. In fact, his students could not question his assertion that black people are characterized by high levels of lowliness. It is amazing to learn that the teacher did not treat his black students in a fair manner. In fact, he only aimed at making them aware of their inferior social status. As a result of the teachings, Grant s childhood and adulthood are exemplified by pessimism and hopeless in society. He is not aware that his racial perceptions to bring anticipated changes in his community and beyond by be started by him. Jefferson could be described as the person who has helped Grant to have another perspective in regards to different people in society. He does not give an appealing response to Grant in the cell during his first visit. However, as his visits increase in the future, they both realize that they get along very well. Although he has been selfish, he, for the first time, displays some sympathy for his friend. By askin g the wrongly convicted young person many questions and giving him a chance to respond in any manner, the author shows that fundamental changes are occurring in Grant, unlike to the

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